A little about w0ny


I’m Nick, ham radio operator W0NY, systems admin, outdoorsman and all around nerd. I play radio for fun using all modes, mainly Phone or CW (still learning on that one). I will sometimes operate digital on the side or when hunting a new DX entity.

I sometimes go out to a park for Parks on the air, some photos of that are below:

For my POTA activations, I have been using an Elecraft KX3 with the Hardrock HR50 to push my power out to around 50 watts. I started out with a Buddipole but realized that really didn’t cut it for QRP work. So I sold that antenna and built a linked dipole for 40, 20 and 17 meters. This has been fantastic in an inverted vee on the top of a 12 foot lighting tripod. I may post about that someday.

More activations are going to be using CW as I become more comfortable with it and hone my skills.

Hope to catch you on the air!

73 de w0ny