My CW journey

Learning and mastering Morse code can be a challenging yet highly rewarding experience. My journey began when I felt the need to step away from the usual Single Sideband (SSB) and FT4/8 operations that had become my routine. My curiosity was piqued by the intriguing beeps echoing from the lower parts of the band.

At first, I attempted to teach myself CW (Continuous Wave, the transmission mode for Morse code), exploring different learning tools like LCWO and MorseMania on iOS. Despite these resources, my solo efforts were met with limited success. It was then that I discovered CWOps, CW Academy, a tuition-free initiative led by generous volunteers aimed at anyone with an interest in learning CW.

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The big enloudener

So, someone in a chat I’m in bought a SB-220 as a project amp. We were talking about it one day in October and I thought huh, that sounds kind of neat I guess. So I hopped on craigslist and found my own project. A ham out of Wisconsin was selling a Drake L4B amplifier that hadn’t been used in a couple years, and all I knew about it was “It worked when it was put away”. So I did the only logical thing. I hopped in the truck, drove to the next state over and bought it. (Stopping along the way to activate Banning state park K-2467 with AE0KW, and going up to Bear Beach State Natural Area in Wisconsin K-8211) I hadn’t even seen a photo of the amp at this point.

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